football and social media graphAre you interested in football and digital media?

I am a lecturer in digital business at the University of Salford and I  completed a PhD in digital marketing, football and social media in 2018. I researched the effects of social media and social capital on football fans, using Salford City FC as a vehicle for my study.  I researched the wider effects of digital platforms and content on UK football clubs and fans. You can read more about the findings here.

An important aspect of the study was speaking to people that are interested in football, digital and social media. If you would like to speak to me about this, I would love to hear from you. I used the information below for participants in the study, which is now completed.

Participating in this football and social media study

I would like to invite you to participate in the interviews and data collection for my PhD study at the University of Salford.

I hope better to understand the following issues:

  1. How is digital media being used by football clubs and their fans?
  2. How does digital media influence brand communications of football clubs?
  3. Why is fan segmentation important for football club and fan communications?
  4. What is the role of social capital in football online communities?

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. It will involve an interview of approximately 30 minutes in length to take place by arrangement.

You may decide not to answer some of the interview questions if you wish. You may also decide to withdraw from this study at any time by advising the researcher interviewing you using the contact details at the start of this document. If you notify me of your withdrawal, all identifiable data will be destroyed.

I may ask for clarification of issues raised in the interview some time after it has taken place, but you will not be obliged in any way to clarify or participate further.

The information you provide is confidential, except that with your permission, anonymised quotes may be used. If you request confidentiality, beyond anonymised quotes, information you provide will be treated only as a source of background information, alongside literature-based research and interviews with others.

Your name or any other personal identifying information will not appear in any publications resulting from this study; neither will there be anything to identify you.

The information gained from this interview will only be used for the above objectives, will not be used for any other purpose and will not be recorded in excess of what is required for the research.

Even though the study findings will be published in conferences and journals, only the researcher will have access to the interview data itself. There are no known or anticipated risks to you as a participant in this study.

You are also welcomed to check any interview transcripts and the findings of this research on this blog or other publications.

If you have any questions regarding this study or would like additional information please ask me before, during, or after the interview.

Yours Sincerely,
Alex Fenton
Lecturer in Digital Business


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